Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Start of the Week

Mon. Oct. 15, 2007

8am - 3mile run
5pm - 10 mile run

I won't lie, my legs are a little tired today from the hill workout on Saturday. I started the day off nice and easy with a 3 miler but I could definitly tell that I had a hard workout on Saturday. Went into work at 10 -3 then it was off to practice up in Santa Monica. Today we had an easy 10 miler with Brazilian Grass Circuits after and stretching. The 10 milers started at Palisades Park and went up around the Brentwood Country Club, then through some hills side streets of Santa Monica, and then back down San Vicente to the park again. The 800 guys had an 8 miler and took off before we did, and for the 10 mile group it was just Matt and myself. He is a good running partner, just wish there were more of us. We averaged 6:30 for the 10. It felt very easy breathing wise, but my legs were a bit tired, so I just wanted to cruise and not push it today. Matt was more than happy to just hang out and run. Today for some reason I definitly missed my trails from the East; after running on trails yesterday, it just made me miss then more and knowing that I will not have then for some time stung a little.

13 miles today

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