Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Not the Best News

Tues. Oct. 16, 2007

8am - 3 miles with Libby
4pm - 7 miles with Libby

So after not thinking Libby was going to run with me this morning, I had just finished going to the bathroom and when I opened the door, to my surprise was Libby lacing up the shoes, with his normal Libby grin. So we went for an easy 3 around Artesia. Came back stretched and did my morning routine.
Decided to skip class today and just get some things done around the house and get ready for my 2nd Exam next week.
So after grabbing some food, I went back up stairs and looked at my computer and saw an IM from Tony Morgan, aka Aggrevated Assault Morgan. Normally, or ever, he does not IM me, so I knew it was either he was gonna have another kid, or there was some bad news. Well it turned out to be bad news. Marina Ivankovic, a former Umaine Volleyball player that we had all been real close friends with throughout college, apparantly had some complications due to being sick for the past couple of weeks and passed away. This really through me for a loop, cause I had no idea that she had been sick. There were two other teams that the Track team at Maine had always been close with, the Swim team and the Volleyball team. From the first day that I was on campus I had been introduced to the team via Mike Lansing, who was currently hanging out with Cheryl Elliot. Throughout the years numerous track guys, my roommate and others that were in our little click, dated volleyball girls, Tony obviously taking it too far, married Carmen and had two kids.
I can honestly say that anytime that I would see Marina, there was a hug and a smile, and she had a GREAT smile. Seriously, it was an outspoken smile. It sucks to have to be writing this, because it always seems that the good words are always spoken after the fact. I have all my great and funny memories and will have them forever. I will say there is no funnier story then Pat Guerette farting and blaming it on Marina, and then later while drinking, tried to jump off the wall and then drop kicked Marina in the face. So I know that there are alot of people all over that are at a loss right now. I miss all of us in our group getting together after a Saturday workout or Sunday run and going to the V-ball game with signs and being obnoxious yelling for all the girls.
So I will leave this post with an old Irish blessing:

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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