Monday, October 15, 2007

Morning Fartlek Run

Fri. 10/12/07

9am - 2 mile warm-up, 15 min. of speed play, 2 mile cool down

So woke up at 7:15ish and ate some toast with PB/honey/banana, then just watched some Sports Center with Libby before taking off for our morning run. We jogged down from here to the beach and then we each took turns with a surge for the first 10 minutes cause that was his workout, then I went solo for another 5. Felt pretty good, I started having more protein and carb mix after my workouts and runs, a combo of a banana, water, oj, and Whey protein mix in a blender. I think it is very helpful, so I will keep track of how I feel over the next few weeks with the mix. After some good stretching and breakfast, I took off for work.

Work is going along pretty well, I like the job cause it is very relaxed and I get to talk about running all the time. What more could I ask for?

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