Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday hills

Sat. Dec. 15, 2007

1pm - 2 mile warm-up, 4 x (480 meter hill, 320 meter hill), 3 mile cool down
6pm - 3 mile shake out

Eric and I drove around Palos Verdes trying to find some good hills, cause this place is ridiculously hilly. We found this slingshot shaped housing area, where both streets dead-ended. One of the hills was 480 meters and ridiculously steep and the other was 320 meters and pretty steep. So we would run up one the come down, then run up the other and that was one set. I will be pretty honest, this hill workout was BRUTAL on the legs. My quads felt wrecked. You truthfully could not go really hard up the hills, or you would die....I think literally your heart would explode, but don't know. Afterwards we sat down for like 12 minutes and just sat and laughed at how crappy that hill was. Then we cooled down, then went and ate some breakfast at 4pm.

Later on my cousin was having a Christmas party at our house, so we helped make some food, got a couple of beers and enjoyed the festivities. Steph McCusker came down and hung out with us which was awesome, cause I love hanging out with her. There were like 30 people there, and 5 of us just hung out by the food and kitchen by ourselves being the cool kids, cause we didn't want to interact.

10 miles today

Saturday, December 15, 2007


Dec 6 - Dec 14

Yeah so I have been real busy these past few days, and just have not had the time to write stuff down. Quick recap. So I got an 89 and a 91 on my first 2 finals, which I was quite happy with. I got back into my running, nothing crazy, just some easy workouts and getting my mileage back. The first couple of days running were rough, I really felt like crap and it was hard to get into a rhythm again. Even today my legs are still sore and I haven't done anything crazy. I had my last day of work today and all I have left to do is a quick research project and 1 more final and then I am out of here on Tuesday afternoon. Tonight Brendan is having a Christmas party here at his house with like 35 people apparently, so that should be good. So hopefully I can keep this blog more updated and on track, but for the next couple of days I cannot promise anything.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Lab Final

Wed. Dec. 5, 2007

Today was the last day off before getting into training again. So today I studied all day for my Advanced Exercise Phys. Lab final. I think it went so so, like purgatory, not great but not bad. Then Libby and I played Age of Empires II.....we dominated the computer.
Tues. Dec. 4, 2007

Today was another sweet day off, I don't really think that I did anything besides make some bread and granola....and I studied. Thats it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Figured things out

Mon. Dec. 3, 2007

So I have been thinking a lot about what I am going to be doing for next year. I came to the conclusion that I am going to be heading back to NY for the remainder of my time. I might get there and get sick of it, but it will be better than here, cause I will have my friends, running with the Westchester Track Team and then my family. Being happy is very important. So after my last final on the 18th, I fly out. I have pretty much 2 things left to do, a final on Wednesday for my Lab, and then a lab on the 18th for the lecture. Then I am outta here.


Sun. Dec. 2, 2007

TODAY WAS A GREEEEEEEEEEEAT DAY!!! OK, so here's what the deal was. We purchased 2 sets of NCAA b-ball tickets, the first game was 22nd ranked USC vs. 4th ranked KANSAS, the second games was 1st ranked UCLA vs. 8th ranked TEXAS. AWESOME!! so we started the morning off with breakfast at a diner, then headed to USC to make sure we got there on time. The start of the USC game was very slow and sloppy, it really felt like we were watching a HS game, and not a NCAA game. OJ MAYO is the biggest ball hog EVER, he is good but a huge ball hog. We were cheering for Kansas and at the end the Jay Hawks pulled it out. The we had 4 hrs to kill before our next game at UCLA, so we drove over in search of food. We stopped at BJ's pizza a brew in Westwood and had a large deep dish BBQ pizza and a couple handfuls of beer. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and we were pretty much wasted off of 3 beers each, it was a good sign of how much we have drank throughout the year, NOTHING. Well time then went by a lot quicker and then we found ourselves at the Paulie Pavilion watching some kick-ass ball. This was by far the best basketball game that I have ever seen. There was non-stop action from the very start of the game. It was back and forth 3's and dunks and hard plays. The entire second half was pretty much basket for basket until it came down to the wire. 10 seconds left B.J. Augustine came down the court with it for Texas took a shot and off the rim it went; but out of nowhere this big Texas dude SLAMMED it home. It was an awesome dunk to pretty much seal the game up. UCLA had one more chance, but they missed and it was a huge upset. If anyone gets a chance to see a UCLA game, it was awesome, the crowd cheered the entire game, and it was the best atmosphere.


Sat. Dec. 1, 2007

Woke up nice and early but instead of running, I played Age of Empires II with Libby for about 4 hours before work. Good start to a morning. Then I headed to work for a few hours and then came back for more A O E. Thats it.


Fri. Nov. 30, 2007

7:30am - 3 miles

I went into work today and apparently they decided that it would be cool to give me 2.5 extra hours without telling me. So I was at work from 9:30 - 6pm. I wasn't the biggest fan of this, because that meant now I was going for a run later and just kinda screwed me up time wise. However, when I came home I was noticing that my legs were sore and tired, and they have been for a few days. So I thought to myself, it would probably be best if I took a few days off before track really gets going, cause track goes till about August. So I went out and had a few slices of pizza with Libbs.

3 miles today

Not the best workout on the track

Thurs. Nov. 29, 2007

8am - 3 miles
6pm - 2 mile warm up, 8 x 400 60-62 w/ 2 min rest, 3 mile cool down

Today I didn't have anything to do so I just hung around all day around the house, took a nap and so forth. When it came time to workout later in the day, I didn't think that the workout was going to be very difficult, but I was a little off. Apparently when you don't practice 60 second speed, it is more difficult to do. So I was wearing flats too, but our first one was 65, and it felt a lot faster. So right from that first one, I knew that I was going to have to make adjustments to the workout, Libby led the next one, and that was 66, so we weren't off on the best foot. The rest of them I averaged probably 63, and the last 2 being 62 and 60. I was not having the easiest time completing all of these, but what are you gonna do.

10 miles today

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Final Lab report

Wed. Nov. 28, 2007

10:30am - 3 miles
5pm - 7 miles with Libby

Yeah pretty much all day I just worked on my final Lab report for school, Thermoregulation. It was a short 14 page paper. Then I had a practical exam which covered all the stuff we did in lab, which I screwed up one of the easiest parts. Before I went to class, Libby and I went for an easy run around the area.

I am happy to be done with the Lab work, but I am getting a little nervous that I put in all this shitty work all year, and I might not get the grade that I need. But we'll see.

10 miles today

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Tues. Nov. 27, 2007

11am - 3 miles
6pm - 8 miles around the regional park

Mon. Nov. 26, 2007

7am - 3 miles
5pm - 3 mile warmup, 36x100 meter deep sand running, 3 mile cooldown

The deep sand running was kinda cool, annoying and hard at the same time. You could never really get a good step in, but the workout was hard enough.

Sun. Nov. 25, 2007

8am - 14 miles

Sat. Nov. 24, 2007

9am - 2.5 mile warmup, 4 x (2x300 w/ 1 min rest) 800 jog between sets, 2.5 mile cooldown. avg. 44

Fri. Nov. 23, 2007

6 mile run

Thurs. Nov. 21, 2007

Ok so here is the story about my Turkey Trot. First off the race was at 7am. Second, I did not sleep an ounce last night, I laid in bed for about 4 hrs not sleeping, just because I couldn't. I wasn't nervous or anything like that, I just couldn't fall asleep, and its the worst when your roommated does fall asleep then makes sleeping noises. So I hung out trying to sleep from 10:30pm - 3:15am, and once 3:15 came along I decided to go make breakfast. I ate my normal breakfast then came back upstairs and actually dozed off for about 45 min. WHICH WAS A BAD THING.
I was supposed to be out of the house at 4:50, and we didn't get up until 5:20, and by the time we were actually out of the house was 5:35. The drive was about an hour down south, and we were making fine time, we actually got off the exit for the race at 6:30, so I thought we were gonna be good. WRONG, WRONG. From there it took 15 min to go a quarter mile. So at 6:45am, Libby was driving, I told him I had to go, so I hopped out of the car and ran with my crap to the starting line. I got there and Skip was yelling at me, but I really didn't listen cause I had to try and salvage my race. However, it he had not gotten there when he did, real early, we all would have missed our race. I again want to say how great of a coach he is. Anyways, so I took a big dump and then did 3 strides and off we went. The race did not unfold the way I wanted it to. We went out real fast, since I really didn't warmup and was real tired, I had no idea what pace we were running. It was right around 4:40 for the first mile, after that I just backed right off and the lead pack just took off from me. There were probably like 4 times in the race that I just pulled over to the side and started jogging cause of how shitty I felt, but I reaffirmed myself and then got back into it. I passed 5k in about 15:35, and that was after jogging at a point to. I was by myself for the rest of the race, and jogging happened a few more times but I was still able to salvage a 32:30 out of it. Not too bad considering. The went home and slept for 3 hours, cooked dinner, and ate.

Wed. Nov. 20, 2007

OFF - Rest Day

Tues. Nov. 20, 2007

5pm - 7 miles

Mon. Nov. 19, 20077am - 3 miles
5pm - 2.5 mile warmup, 4x1000 3:00, w/ 2 min in between, 2.5 mile cooldown

The workout was the first one that we did on the track, but only in flats. It was more of ab easy workout because we have a Thanksgiving Day turkey trot. 3:02, 2:58, 2:58, 2:55.

Sun. Nov. 18, 2007

8am - 45 min run

Skip wanted us to take it easy today, and I am very happy that I did, cause I was exhausted.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Sat. Nov. 17, 2007

9am - 1.5 mile warmup, 12x 400 meter hills with jog down rest in 75, 2 mile cooldown

Did our warmup and drills then headed to the hill to kick ass. The hill is a nice incline that is tough. We averaged 74 for all 12, never going over 75 or under 73. My breathing was good and my legs felt strong. Good workout. Then I headed to work, which took 2 hrs to get to. Yeah it must be 20 miles, AT MOST. Gotta love Cali.

10 miles today

Easy Day

Fri. Nov. 16, 2007

7am - 3 miles
6pm - 8 miles

After work ran down to the woodchip trail then came back....that was pretty much my day.

11 miles today

This time I will workout

Thurs. Nov. 15, 2007

7 am - 3 miles
6 pm - 3 mile warmup, 4x(3x1 min hard, 30 sec easy with 800 meters jog in between set) 3 mile cooldown

Ok, so after school I headed out to workout on the track down the street at Mira Costa High School. Warmed up 2 miles to the track to workout....what do you know....the pep band and marching band had control of the track. I was flabergasted. I mean pep band??? So I ran down to teh beach and did the workout on the Strand.

13 miles today

Black Widow

Wed. Nov. 14, 2007

5:30 am - 3 miles
11 pm - 7 miles

I ran so early this morning cause I had to drive Libby to the airport, he went home for a week.

I went to USC early to do my workout, because Skip can no longer workout with me on Wednesdays due to a new commitment.....YAY...back to myself again. Whatever. The only problem was that when I got there the USC track team took over the track. This was there first week of team practice, so no practice for this guy there. I went to lab and planned on working out afterwards. Yeah that didn't happen either. By the time lab was over and I got home, it was real late, so I was just gonna bag it and workout tomorrow. I wasn't even gonna run, so I just began eating. However, later that day I went to walk my cousins dog, but I couldn't find her and then I saw the gate was open, so I took off sprinting. After about 10 min of panicing, one of the roommates had the dog. CRAP. So by that point I just started thinking, well now would be a good time to run. So I did.

When I was leaving USC I was talking to Jeff and as we were talking I saw this HUGE ASS spider and was amazed. I then realized that it was a Black Widow. So I took a picture....and this is it.

10 miles today

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Tues. Nov. 13, 2007

9am - 3 miles
5:30pm - 8 miles

Ran by myself in the morning, a little later than normal because of how my legs were feeling like crap. I had a very sore morning run. Went to school for about 20 min, found out that I no longer have to go there for that boring ass research class, now I have a new project that I can do at home. Hopefully I do it.

Today was also Libby's first day at his new job. Not sure really what he does, but now he is making money and out of the house.

We ran at that regional park 2.5 miles away. I made sure that we went real easy today. I felt pretty good compared to my morning run, so I just relaxed for an easy 8. Afterwards we made homemade pizzas. Libby made a pesto pizza with tomato and spicy sausage, and I made one with tomato and spinach. They kicked ass.

11 miles today

Long Surges

Mon. Nov. 12, 2007

7 am - 3 miles with Libby
5 pm - 2 mile warmup, 30 min of Fartlek, 2 mile cool down

We went running after I got out of work at around 4ish. We ran about 1.5 miles down the street to Mira Costa HS where they have a pretty sweet track that we just found. I did 30 min of Fartlek surging and Libby did 100 meters on 100 meters off for 20 min. I was still feeling sore from the race and could really feel it in my quads towards the latter stages of the fartlek. It was good though. We cooled down easily back home and then ate some stir-fry.

12 miles today

Monday, November 12, 2007


Sun. Nov. 11, 2007

8am - 13-14 miles

Libby and I ran with a couple of guys who I work with at the shoe store out in Palos Verdes. It was a nice easy run, probably anywhere from 6:30-8 min pace throughout the run; faster when I was by myself at the end. Felt a bit sore from the race yesterday, and I was glad to take it easy today. Afterwards Libby and I grabbed brunch at the Koffee Kafe in Manhattan Beach, and it was pretty friggin sweet. I got the oatmeal and a spinach omelette and it was awesome. Libby rolled with the Spicy Sausage omelette, cause we all know how he loves spicy sausage, and pancakes. It was pretty kick ass and cheaper than we are used to.

Worked afterwards from 1-6pm and then we made chicken Bruschetta and garlic bread....another kick ass meal....Then Seinfeld and bed

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Southern California XC Championships

Sat. Nov. 10, 2007

K. Hahn Park, West LA
8k Championships

The race for me today was at 9am and 11am for Libby, so I had an early morning by myself. I woke up at 5:15, had my 3 egg omelette with cheese, 2 pieces of our homemade bread with peanut butter, banana and honey....and a handful of granola. Afterwards I hit the bed again for one more go at a nap for 45 min. I left the house at about 7:15 to make sure I got there with enough time to get some spikes in my shoes. The course was an all grass course that we looped around 4 times, quick math makes that 2k loops. It was only Matt and I today in the morning, because Ozzie quit the team yesterday. It would have been cool if he finished the last meet with us.....or ran with us the past 7 weeks, but what can you do. We warmed up and did our drills, which was then followed by a nice sized dump to get me ready for action.

The race had some pretty good guys in the field, even though there were like 50 people. There were 4 guys who have gone under 14 minutes for 5k, a 2:17 marathon guy, a 29 min 10k guy and then myself and Matt, not to sell ourselves short. The course was a little sloppy in parts but overall a good day for racing, about 70 degrees, sunny and no wind.

So we started off pretty comfortably, not too fast and probably in a pack of like 10 for the first loop. After the first loop, I felt that it would be wise for me to back off a little bit to make sure I didn't kill myself too early. So for the rest of the race, I was mostly alone. Matt was a few spots ahead of me, not too far, but far enough where I couldn't get him. Long story short, I got 9th, holding off 2 guys right at the end, and Matt was 8th. I had a nice PR, 24:52.1, and I can't complain. I finally had a XC race where I felt confident and didn't quit. Matt was 10 seconds ahead of me.

Eric led his 4k race for the first 1000 meters or so, and then a guy hammered past him and pushed for the rest of the race. Eric ended up second in the race, but a strong performance, especially for his first XC race ever.

Went to work after, and then jogged for like 2 miles to loosen the legs.

12 miles today

The day before

Fri. Nov. 9, 2007

6pm - 3 miles + strides

Had an easy day today, just had to work and run. Ran the 3 mile loop around Artesia, then did some strides. Tomorrow is the Southern California XC Championships.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Rest Day

Thurs. Nov. 8, 2007

I love training hard, but there is nothing like an off day. Sometimes you don't realize how tired you are until you take a day off, it puts all the training in perspective. I didn't do too much today either. I went up to Dr. Paul's office to have him adjust my orthotics and make the arch a little higher. Then Libby and I made bread and granola.....which is awesome. Then we ate blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes for dinner. I also screwed up the first couple, so I think there is a possibility of Salmonella creepin in here, but we'll see what happens.

PS....this is what Libby looks like cooking.

USC day

Wed. Nov. 7, 2007

7:30am - 3 miles with Libby
3:30pm - 2 mile warmup, 5x800 w/ 2min recovery, 3 mile cooldown

Today Skip wasn't able to meet with me in the afternoon, so he told me to get onto the USC track before my lab tonight and do 5x800 between 2:24-2:28 w/ 2 min recov. Libby also decided that he would rather work out with me today then with the team, so we piled into the C-dub, or Camry, and headed to USC. We warmed up around the school, cause that time of day would be terrible to run throughout campus. Got back, did our drills and strides and took off. We started together, but the pace was not something that Libby was used to, so after the first one he backed off and did his own thing. My reps went ( 2:26, 2:21, 2:18, 2:18, 2:15 ). It was a little faster than I was supposed to be doing these reps, but they felts comfortable, so I just rolled with them. Libby averaged right about 2:31. After, we cooled down and stretched quickly because I was gonna be lab for lab, which was the next building over.

Lab today was working with thermoregulation. So roughly how the body heats up during exercise. It was kinda cool, and pretty funny. The Lab TA had 3 volunteers, I was not one of them for a reason. They were to perform 30 min of exercise on a bike at a speed of their choice, with others checking their temp, BP and perceived effort of exertion. But the funny part about it was these three volunteers had to do the lab with a rectal thermomter up their bums for the test. This is why it was VOLUNTARY. I chose to sit this one out. Good lab though.

Libby hung around USC and we ate dinner afterwards at Whole Foods.

10.5 miles today

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Tues. Nov. 6, 2007

10am - 3 miles
5pm - 9 miles

Pretty much just took care of my school work today and then ran with Eric at 5pm for 9 miles. It was a good comfortable run and felt good. Thats it, then we ate pasta....not much happened today

12 miles today

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Mon. Nov. 5, 2007

7am - 3 miles with Libby
5pm - 6.75 miles with the middle 2.1 miles at tempo pace

Did the whole morning thing, then headed to work for a few hours.

Libby and I drove to practice at the normal meeting spot on Monday at San Vicente and Ocean Ave. in Santa Monica. The team met and started the conversation with a nice joke on Damian. Then we started our easy part of the run for 2 miles then did the 2.1 mile tempo in 10:35, which is about 4:58-4:59 per mile, and it felt pretty comfortable. Matt and I finished together and Libby finished at 11:35 by himself. Afterwards we cruised back down to the start to do our drills, strides and stretching. We also got free adjustments from the team chiropractor, Dr. Paul, who is the team chiropractor for the USA Olympic Trials. Great chiropractor.

The big thing came afterwards when Damian wanted to talk to Eric and I about finding an apartment for us. Damian had promised Eric a job and an apartment and both fell through, and this has led to some sore spots about living in Southern California. So we really didn't want to hear about the apts. because we already have the idea about leaving to go run somewhere else. Today was the day that we told Skip what we were thinking about the upcoming months. I was kind of hesitant because I wasn't sure how he was gonna take it, but it went much better than anticipated. Skip is a great guy and a great coach. He is very understanding and knows what we are going through and recommended that we find what we need to make ourselves happy and run our fastest. I really appreciate everything he has done and is still doing for us.
So now we just have to plan on what we are gonna do for after Decemeber. Time to ponder....

10 miles today

Monday, November 5, 2007

Very Busy Week

Sun. Nov. 4, 2007
8am - 13-14 miles in Palos Verdes with Libby

Sat. Nov. 3, 2007
9pm - 12x300 meter hills with Libby down in Hermosa Beach

Fri. Nov. 2, 2007
7am - 3 miles
6pm - 10 min warmup, 20 min of 30sec. on 30 sec off, 20 min cool down

Thurs. Nov. 1, 2007
6pm - 12.5 miles

Wed. Oct. 31, 2007
7am - 3 miles
5pm - I was supposed to do a VO2 max test, but halfway through the mouthpiece broke and air stopped coming in and I was forced to stop. When I stopped, my heart rate was at 175 and through calculations at that point my VO2 was at 63.

Tues. Oct. 30, 2007
7am - 3 miles
5pm - 7.8 miles

Mon. Oct. 29, 2007
5pm - 10 miles

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bolsa Chica Wetlands

Sun. Oct. 28, 2007

9am - 11 miles

Today was another Sunday where we drove down 30 minutes to Orange County to go for a run out of our everyday monotony. Today we were running down at the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. It was not as crazy as I thought it was going to be, it was pretty much a dirt road that went along a spillway. Nothing special, but it was nice to get off the roads again. Matt and I ran 11, and I think both of us really were happy that the other didn't want to go further. My legs were pretty tired today, and it was a happy thought for me to do 11 instead of 13-15.

Afterwards we all went to eat at the Shorehouse Cafe. Super Oatmeal and an Omelette with cheese, broccoli and carne asada.

Worked for 5 hours.

11 Miles today

Through the Palisades

Sat. Oct. 27, 2007

9am - 11 miles

Headed up to 4th and Marguerita at 9 am to meet the team and do a steady 11 miles on the "north rollercoaster loop" which runs through northern Santa Monica into the Palisades. It was a descently hilly loop, but nothing too bad. We started out pretty slow, just jogging the first mile or two. We ran in a small group for the first 1 or so with Eric, Matt, Dennis and myself, and of course no Ozzie today. He is supposed to be my training partner and I have seen him twice in the past 6 weeks, yea, I am getting alot out of training with him. So after the first mile we hit hit a nice steady incline for about a half mile or so, and Matt decided to start picking up the pace, so this was where the group split. We strung out a bit, and at first I was having a hard time keeping up becuase he is such a good hill climber. After a little bit I decided to push a bit just to catch him, and from then on him and I cruised the run at a good clip. After like 3 miles or so, we slowed down just to let Libby catch us cause he was running by himself. We ran through some really nice houses up there. Russell Crowe, Britany Spears and a couple other big names celeb houses. After a while though, Matt and I decided to pick up the pace a bit and we ended up leaving Libby a little ways back, but he was only doing 8 miles, so he was going to turn off soon anyways. Matt and I probably cruised our last 3 miles between 5:30-5:00 min mile pace, and it felt pretty relaxed. So all and all it was a good run.

Then I went to work for 6 hrs, hooray.

11 miles today - 1.08:02


Thurs. Oct. 25, 2007

6:30am - 3 miles
5pm - 8 miles

Ran by myself in the morning cause Libby decided to sleep in.

After I came back from USC Libby and I went running, however he didn't want to run as far as I was going. So I decided to have him meet me down by the woodchip trail. I ran the first 2 miles by myself at a descent pace, and met up with him and ran another 5 miles with him, then added another 1 mile at the end.

8 miles today

Friday, October 26, 2007

Run around a park for a while

Fri. Oct. 26, 2007

7:30am - 3 miles
6pm - 8 miles

Had a little bit of a late start this morning. I set my alarm for 6 am, but kept hitting the snooze till 7:30. Who doesn't love that snooze button. Ran my 3 miles, then headed for a few hours of work.

Got back home and looked up some stuff on Oregon with Libby. New possibility: Come December, its gonna be either Oregon with Libby, or back to NY by myself. I'm almost 100% positive that I will not stay in CA after Dec. The weather is great and I love having Skip as a coach, but that is about it. The traffic here is too much, the running sucks, and by that I mean its all roads, and I prefer trails. So I have to decide whether I want to go home to NY and train with the Westchester Track Club, have the trails that I love to run on, a job working 30-40 hrs a week with my high school coach Nuge at a running store, and live at home with my parents which would be a nice comfort blanket becuase I do miss them and my family. The other option would be to go 1,000 miles north to Eugene, OR, and run with Team XO, not be positive until a few weeks from now about a job, housing (which I have considered buying a shitty RV to live in with Libby), but have tons of other great runners to train with in the Mecca of running. Besides the rain, can there be any place better than Eugene to train and run? I dunno, there is a lot to weigh on my plate for these next few weeks. I know I would like Eugene a lot more than here due to the fact that it is the Maine of the West Coast, minus the snow and freezing, and substitute cold and rain. I loved Maine except for the cold and snow that lasted FOREVER. I wouldn't mind hearing a few opinions if people want to comment, it is always good hearing other peoples thoughts.

Libby and I ran a bunch of loops around this sketchy park near the house here for a total of 6.5 miles for him and 8 miles for me. It was nice to get off the road for a day.

11 miles today

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Grass Reps

Wed. Oct. 24, 2007

7:30am - 3 miles
2:30pm - 3 mile warm-up, 7x1000 rep. w/ 2 min rest, 2 mile cool down

This morning was like every other morning, did my run, stretched, ate and took a few hours of getting a lab report done. However, I was quite pissed to find out that the lab report wasn't due until next week, but its finished with now. Then ate my peanut butter, honey and banana on toast for lunch and headed to practice.

I warmed up at 2:30, did my drills and strides and then put on my light weight trainers. I have been recently running in my new Brooks Glycerine shoes, and I do like them alot, but having those and a heavy pair of orthotics in them really makes the shoes heavy. So i switched the shoes and headed to workout. Today's workout was 7 x 1000 rep w/ 2 min recovery running from 7th ave up to 11th and coming back down. This is all done on a grass island on San Vicente blvd. Skip read me the last workout I did here, and it was 5 x 1000 w/ 3 min recovery with an avg. of 3:01.
So today he wanted 2 more with 1 min less recovery per one, avg. about the same or so. So I went out and just wanted to be conservative for the first one, and I came in at a very comfortable 3:04. I felt pretty good today and knew it was gonna be a good workout, because I actually felt recovered from the past couple days and wanted to have a good workout. I would sip some water in between each rep., cause it was very hot today. My thousands for the day were (3:04, 3:01, 3:01, 3:02, 2:58, 2:57, 2:54) Avg. 2:59. I felt really relaxed and smooth today which was awesome. I also workout by myself, so throw someone else in there and I probably would have cruised a little bit faster. Very good workout day. Cooled down 2 miles and stretched a little, but not too much becuase I have to head to USC.

I think from where I am in Santa Monica for the workout to USC is about 15 miles or so, give or take a couple of miles. Every Wednesday I have to workout early so I can make it to USC for my lab. I usually leave right around 4pm hoping to get to USC in an hour, mind you its about 15 miles. Today took me 1 hr. 40 min. It is so frustrating to have to drive that long every Wed. and still be late to lab. Traffic out here is so bad, and there really is no way around it.

After lab, met up with Libby at Whole Foods and grabbed some grub and watched some of the Sox game there. I talked to my boy Jon for a little bit, good to hear from him and find out he is liking his new situation down in the city. For everyone who doesn't know, Jon and I grew up together about 20 ft. apart and did everything together as kids. Then I also talked to Jeff Caron, who I would like to congratulate on a nice $300 win at Foxwoods. Him and I just chatted about normal crap in our lives, running and girl situations, or lack there of. I will say though he has had more going on in that ballpark then me, keep swinging Jeff. Oh yeah and I almost forgot, I talked to the big Mark Lech today, my college coach. It was good to chat with him about things, and hear how things are going with the Black Bears.

13 miles today

Google Earth run

Tues. Oct. 23, 2007

6:30am - 3 miles
5pm - 8 miles

Waking up at 6am I already noticed that today was going to be a hot day, 92 degrees today in Santa Monica. I got my morning run taken care of so I could come back, eat breakfast and then cram a little more for that nice 2nd Mid-term. I crammed for a few more hours, then headed to USC to take the test. I'm not really sure how it went, but its over, so all I can do is wait to see some results.

Later in the day, Libby and I planned out a run on the roads out here, becuase there is nowhere else to run besides roads. Truthfully, we are not in a very runner friendly area, and there are really no good places to run, it gets very annoying. We planned out a 6 mile run that lead us to a park, around the park and then back. It was a good run, and when I came back with Libby, I just tacked on a couple more miles.

Libby and I made some awesome steak fajitas

11 miles today

Oh yeah I also forgot, Libby and I have been making our own bread and friggin kicks ass over all this store bought stuff. Now all we have to do is get some cows and chickens and we will be set.


Mon. Oct. 22, 2007

6:30am - 3 miles
5pm - 6.75

My legs are definitly feeling a little bit sore after the race on Saturday and the run on Sunday morning, but its nothing to worry about, just a little soreness. I decided to call in to work today and tell them that I had alot of school work to get done today, and that I couldn't make it in. There is nothing like cramming for a test the day before.

We went up to Santa Monica for our Monday workout, which today was just an easy 6.75 plus drills and strides. This was a very happy day for me, cause I did not want to workout today. Matt could not make it today due to the fires near his house in Orange County, he apparantly had no power and other things happening. So it was just Libby and I doing the run together. There were a couple of other people there, but they can't run with us, so we do our own thing. We pretty much just cruised around 7 minute pace or so, nothing hard. We definitly noticed the smoke in the air from the Mailbu fire, it was pretty much all around the area wherever you went. This caused Jon on the team to have a small asthma attack, and the caused the rest of us to have really, REALLY dry and sore throats. After the run, we finished up with our drill, strides and stretching.

Monday nights and Wednesday nights Libby and I eat at Whole Foods, cause we get home so late and don't really feel like cooking and eating at 9:30 or 10 pm. Makes it a whole lot nicer on those days.

10 miles today

Santa Monica 5000/10000

Sun. Oct. 21, 2007

So nothing is sweeter then waking up at 5:15 am the day after racing to drive up to Santa Monica to watch Libby run is 5k debut for VSA. The 5k started at 7:30am up in Santa Monica, and the team was meeting at about 6:30 at the starting line, so I made sure we got there on time. It was still dark when we got there, the crazy thing was that there was this red glow coming out of Malibu, which is like 5 miles or so away. So apparantly we saw the fire that had just started like 30 minutes before hand up in the mountains. It was very luminous, a nice red glow coming from the mountains; it was my first wildfire.

So we met up with Skip and the others running the race today, and before we warmed up we decided to go to the bathroom. There is nothing like taking a dump in an open stall while staring directly across at a bum. Him and I must have lock eyes for most of the duration of my stay in the Ritz crapper. Very weird. Then Eric and I warmed up with Roz and Jen. These girls are very good runners too. Roz is a 2:05 800 runner, and Jen has run 15:50 for 5k. Since I raced yesterday, I was just getting my miles in today. So I warmed up with them, then jogged some more while they stretched, and then took some pics/ran next to them while they were racing, and then cooled down with them. Good 9 miles I believe. Eric ran a PR of 16:46, while the leader ran 14:04....pretty close. The leaders were haulin ass, it was a great race to watch. Eric was the first VS finisher which was kinda cool. Jen and Roz were the 3rd and 4th women, and came in together.

Afterwards, Eric and I grabbed some food at the Omelette Parlor, a pretty dam good restaurant near the start and then headed home. Took a nap today, that was pretty dam sweet. After the nap, Eric and I had to paint a little bit in the house for Brendan, which took a nice 2 hrs. Then for me it was study time, cause I have my second Mid-Term coming up, awesome.

Santa Monica 5000/10000

Pictures of the Race

9 miles today

Monday, October 22, 2007

San Marcos 8k

Sat. Oct. 20, 2007

9:45 am - 8k

So the race this morning is down close to San Diego, which is about 2 hrs away. I woke up this morning at I think around 5:30ish am to eat. Breakfast this morning was a 4 egg omelette with cheese and 2 pieces of toast with PB, Banana and honey. I definitly like eating a good meal in the morning. Also I did not want to drive down this morning, so I hopped in the car with Skip for a relaxing 2 hr drive down. We chatted for the first 30 min then I just passed out for the rest of the ride. This meet was run by Steve Scott, the coach down at San Marcos, and he said this was going to be a flat, fast course. It was definintly not a fast course. However, it was a pretty cool course I have to admit.

Ozzie, Matt and myself warmed up about an hour before with a 2 mile warmup, followed by some drills and strides. I had 2 goals this morning, 1. Finish 2. break 26. I accomplished both of them, so it was a good day. I pretty much wanted to run a tempo for the first few miles just to keep my head in the game, I didn't want to kill myself my first race for the first 3-4 miles. I wanted to make it to 4 miles feeling comfortable and relaxed and I accomplished that.

The race started out like any race, a little quick at the start just to get out and then we settled in. There was a nice pack for the first half mile or so, then Ozzie tried to split the race open early. This backfired pretty bad. Matt went with Ozzie and later on both of them started coming back. I really didn't even bother myself with their move, I was busy running my own little race, I pretty much let everyone go and just ran with 2 other dudes for a while, then it was down to me and this other guy from San Marcos. This guy had also previously out-kicked me last year down in San Diego in a 1500. We ran together for the entire race. The thing was that I could have pulled away from him at any moment, but I didn't want to run by myself. For most of the race the next person was like 100 meters or more ahead, so when he slowed, I slowed, and I kept grabbing his attention to get him back running with me. So we worked together for the race, he definitly seemed way more tired than me, I was very comfortable, breathing was easy, and until the last mile my legs were very comfortable too. With like a half mile to go, they started getting a little heavy but nothing bad. I ended up hammering the last 200 meters cause we came onto the track and because I felt really relaxed. If you remember, I also said I wanted to break 26 as one of my goals. 25:57. A PR nonetheless. So it was a mental victory for the day. Stayed strong mentally and did what I needed to do. Matt, Ozzie and myself went 5,6 and 7. Not the best, but not too shabby. We cooled down then headed for home.

Today was also the first day that I have gotten to nap in a while, so that made the day even better.

Went for a 2 mile shake out run with Libby at about 5 pm. Then at 7:30 went to watch the CHIVAS soccer game at the Home Depot Center with our VIP tickets courtesy of my cousin Brendan.

13 miles today

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Friday....not with Ice Cube

Fri. Oct. 19, 2007

6pm - 3 miles

Libby went for a run in the morning, but my legs still felt like crap so I slept in and just ran in the evening after work. Did my run around the block and then did a few strides. Took it pretty easy today and just getting ready to go and race early in the morning tomorrow down at San Marcos.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Rest Day

Thurs. Oct. 18, 2007

0 miles

I can feel that from the past few days of running and working out that my legs are wrecked. My rest day today came at a good time, and I am taking full advantage of it.

Tonight my boy Kevo from NY is in town. He works for SPIKE tv and is out here for business, which im not sure what that means, cause he always seems to be watching video's online. So Eric and I drove up to Hollywood and ate some Sushi with Kev and just chatted about everything going on. He took care of the bill and said that SPIKE tv was paying for us tonight. We ate on Sunset Blvd. and commented on how shitty the area is, but had a good time nonetheless. Afterwards, we drove around looking for the first ice cream place that we could find. It took a while, but there was one pretty much right across the street from Kev's hotel. After ice cream, Eric and I headed back home, only to my surprise to find a nice parking ticket. Nothing makes you happier than seeing that bill for $45.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Another day, another grind

Wed. Oct. 17, 2007

2:30 pm - 2.5 mile warm-up, 3k, 2k, 1k w/ 5min in between, 1.5 mile cool down

I didn't wake up this morning for my morning run. Yesterday wasn't the best day, and I didn't sleep that well, and on top of that my legs have been pretty tired the past few days. So I just slept in a little bit.
Got to practice at 2:30 to warmup and do drills by 3, @ Clover Park in Santa Monica, so I could make it to USC on time. The workout was a 3k, 2k and then a 1k at 5 min pace with 5 min rest. Felt fine when I started the workout, came through the 1st K right on pace, 3:06, then fell off from the next a little bit, 6:17 and then from there on out the workout was just more or less survive. I was having a really hard time today. Everyone has a bad workout, today was one of those days for me. I think there were a couple of reasons, the Mountain Gate drive hill on Saturday and not really sleeping too well last night. Its all good, finished the workout and then cooled down and stretched a little before taking off for USC lab.
Successful lab tonight, another time there might be more details, but as of now, the journal cuts short

8 miles today....did not feel good

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Not the Best News

Tues. Oct. 16, 2007

8am - 3 miles with Libby
4pm - 7 miles with Libby

So after not thinking Libby was going to run with me this morning, I had just finished going to the bathroom and when I opened the door, to my surprise was Libby lacing up the shoes, with his normal Libby grin. So we went for an easy 3 around Artesia. Came back stretched and did my morning routine.
Decided to skip class today and just get some things done around the house and get ready for my 2nd Exam next week.
So after grabbing some food, I went back up stairs and looked at my computer and saw an IM from Tony Morgan, aka Aggrevated Assault Morgan. Normally, or ever, he does not IM me, so I knew it was either he was gonna have another kid, or there was some bad news. Well it turned out to be bad news. Marina Ivankovic, a former Umaine Volleyball player that we had all been real close friends with throughout college, apparantly had some complications due to being sick for the past couple of weeks and passed away. This really through me for a loop, cause I had no idea that she had been sick. There were two other teams that the Track team at Maine had always been close with, the Swim team and the Volleyball team. From the first day that I was on campus I had been introduced to the team via Mike Lansing, who was currently hanging out with Cheryl Elliot. Throughout the years numerous track guys, my roommate and others that were in our little click, dated volleyball girls, Tony obviously taking it too far, married Carmen and had two kids.
I can honestly say that anytime that I would see Marina, there was a hug and a smile, and she had a GREAT smile. Seriously, it was an outspoken smile. It sucks to have to be writing this, because it always seems that the good words are always spoken after the fact. I have all my great and funny memories and will have them forever. I will say there is no funnier story then Pat Guerette farting and blaming it on Marina, and then later while drinking, tried to jump off the wall and then drop kicked Marina in the face. So I know that there are alot of people all over that are at a loss right now. I miss all of us in our group getting together after a Saturday workout or Sunday run and going to the V-ball game with signs and being obnoxious yelling for all the girls.
So I will leave this post with an old Irish blessing:

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Start of the Week

Mon. Oct. 15, 2007

8am - 3mile run
5pm - 10 mile run

I won't lie, my legs are a little tired today from the hill workout on Saturday. I started the day off nice and easy with a 3 miler but I could definitly tell that I had a hard workout on Saturday. Went into work at 10 -3 then it was off to practice up in Santa Monica. Today we had an easy 10 miler with Brazilian Grass Circuits after and stretching. The 10 milers started at Palisades Park and went up around the Brentwood Country Club, then through some hills side streets of Santa Monica, and then back down San Vicente to the park again. The 800 guys had an 8 miler and took off before we did, and for the 10 mile group it was just Matt and myself. He is a good running partner, just wish there were more of us. We averaged 6:30 for the 10. It felt very easy breathing wise, but my legs were a bit tired, so I just wanted to cruise and not push it today. Matt was more than happy to just hang out and run. Today for some reason I definitly missed my trails from the East; after running on trails yesterday, it just made me miss then more and knowing that I will not have then for some time stung a little.

13 miles today

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Carbon Canyon Regional Park

Sun. Oct. 14, 2007

8am - 13 miles

This morning I woke up at 6am to eat a little bit of food before I start driving my 35 miles to Carbon Canyon Regional Park out in Orange County. It was a pretty sweet run, I won't lie. Damian, Matt and myself met up at about 7:55 at the park entrance and then drove up a block or two so we didn't have to pay the entrance fee. We started off pretty easy cause of the hill workout yesterday, but as the run went on we got into a nice comfortable pace. Damian was with us for a while then kinda fell off the pace and ran his own pace for the rest of his 50 minutes. Matt and I ran together for 32 minutes out and then turned around, cause Matt was only running an hour today. I ran back with Matt then added on an additional 30 minutes by myself on some different trails. It was a good run and I felt pretty good considering the tough hill workout yesterday.

After the run we went hoped in the cars and headed to find some food. Took us a few minutes but we found a restaurant called Minnie's. We pounded our Sunday breakfast, for me it was Oatmeal, pancakes, and bacon and eggs. I was quite happy.

Then I had to get outta there quick to head home, shower and go work. Something that I have to get used to is working on weekends after my workouts and long runs. I do miss taking naps during those days.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Mountain Gate Hills

Sat. Oct. 15, 2007

9am- 3 mile warmup, 4 x 1.1 mile uphills, 3 mile cooldown

So this hill is up in the Santa Monica Mts., and is a pretty long tough hill. There is no specific time to run when running up, its just pretty much "Survive", as some people would call it. You climb 800 feet in a mile, so it definitly has a little bit of incline to it. So we warmed up and did our 6 x downhill strides, then were driven to the bottom to start our climbs. This was my second time doing these hills, Libby's, Matt's and Ozzie's first time. First thing I will say is that Matt climbed these hills like a BEAST. Second thing I will say is that you really feel like you are going nowhere up these hills. So our first ascent went Matt, Ozzie, Myself and then Libby. Matt and Ozzie both were under 8 min, I was just over and Eric was 8:52, which is awesome. The order of the hills stayed the same througout most of the workout. Matt, Ozzie and myself were the only ones who had to do 4, everyone else had to do 3, which makes total sense although seems unfair.
The last hill, when it just the 3 bulls, seemed to never come, but then all of a sudden we were almost finished. I was quite proud of myself up until this point cause I had convinced myself to stick with it and be confident, and all these thoughts started making me feel great. We attacked the hill the same as normal, Matt and Ozzie out hard, then me slightly behind. Matt took off and then Ozzie started coming back to me half way up the hill which was a great boost for me, because it made me keep my composure and stay relaxed. He came up next to me and I could just tell he was shot; his breathing was bad, he had no leg lift. I'm not saying he was sucky, he had just worked real hard the other ones and was paying for it now. So I passed Ozzie and made my way to the top picking it up a little with about 100 to go. 7:59! I was so pumped to hear that. Previously I had averaged 8:31 for all the hills. This time I had run (8:07, 8:05, 8:15, 7:59) averaging 8:07. HUGE IMPROVEMENT. Ozzie claimed the 4th all time avg with 7:52, even though he was hurting on the last one. Matt on the other hand, crushed the all-time avg best, which was previously held at 7:37, with his 7:17 avg. That is insane in all regards to this hill, he is a great addition to the team, and he is a kick ass guy too. Then it was cool down time and then off to work, but not before a little lunch, which then I decided to show up an hour late for work.

10.5 miles today

Morning Fartlek Run

Fri. 10/12/07

9am - 2 mile warm-up, 15 min. of speed play, 2 mile cool down

So woke up at 7:15ish and ate some toast with PB/honey/banana, then just watched some Sports Center with Libby before taking off for our morning run. We jogged down from here to the beach and then we each took turns with a surge for the first 10 minutes cause that was his workout, then I went solo for another 5. Felt pretty good, I started having more protein and carb mix after my workouts and runs, a combo of a banana, water, oj, and Whey protein mix in a blender. I think it is very helpful, so I will keep track of how I feel over the next few weeks with the mix. After some good stretching and breakfast, I took off for work.

Work is going along pretty well, I like the job cause it is very relaxed and I get to talk about running all the time. What more could I ask for?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Easy loop from the house

Thurs. Oct. 11, 2007

8am- 3miles
5pm-7 miles

So I woke up this morning to the sweet sound of Journey playing on my phone at 4:30am, thanks Ryan Schinnerer. Really didn't affect me, but I did have to get out of bed to check it, and once I saw it was him, I guess I just went back to bed, sorry. Got up at 6 shortly there after to eat my bowl of cheerios, which seems to be working well right now, stomach ways anyhow. Went back to bed till 7:45 then woke up at 8 to go for an EASY 3 miles, my legs have just been feeling beat up lately so I need to take better care of my nutrition after workouts I think. After stretching and my morning routine, I ate a delicious omelette and then got ready for school. I got all dolled up and took off doing about 100 miles an hour to LA.....and anyone who has ever driven out here in the AM knows that I am lying, it was more like 20 mph. So eventually I got there and did my thing.
Came back home and Libby and I decided to make our own bread, the project started at 3 pm this afternoon, it is now 8:30 pm and this son of a biscuit isn't even ready to go in the oven yet. Anywho, we went for a run at 5pm from here down to the woodchip trail then back home, hilly run, and I think that Libby is getting used to the running in the area, cause its not flat. Ate some dinner and getting ready to head to 24 hour fitness to hit the weights...obviously.
Don't worry Jeff, I have the same thoughts on my runs too, minus really caring too much about XC...but the track thoughts are there. Keep on stridin baby....aint nothing gonna break my stride.....except for all the cars that almost hit me everyday.

10 miles today

Wednesday at San Vicente blvd.

Wed. Oct 10, 2007

8am - 3 miles
3pm - 3mile warmup, 8 x 690 meter reps between 4th and 7th st (2:10-2:15 w/ 90sec. rec), 3 mile cooldown

Went for an easy 3 with Libby this morning around Artesia and back. Then worked on my Lab report all morning, such crap, it takes so long to get done. Some might say that I should have done it earlier but whatever.
2:30 pm I warmed up in Santa Monica for 20 min then did drills, afterwards I jogged up to 4th st. (2:15, 2:13, 2:13, 2:13, 2:14, 2:15, 2:15, 2:12). I finally did not have stomach problems today for the first workout since I have been here, hopefully I can keep figuring out what I can and cannot eat before running. Felt pretty good early in the workout, but around rep 5 I wanted to quit and I began having those crappy negative thoughts. Skip said, "well sorry we still got 3 more to do." I then thought to myself, what the hell am I doing, I will finish this crap. So then for the rest of the workout I kept myself pretty smooth and relaxed. It was real windy coming back down the loop.
Had lab, which it took me an hour and a half to get to USC tonight....definitly need to start talking to this girl in the class.

12.5 miles today

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New roomie

Tues. Oct. 9, 2007

3 mile morning run

7.5 mile evening run

Well this morning I woken up at like 6:45am to some friggin jerk who was trying to figure out how to get to my house. This Jerk was Eric Libby, former roommate from Umaine and new member of VS Athletics. Libby is now staying in my room with me for the next couple of weeks until he gets is housing situation taken care of.

Once he got here this morning, we went for an wasy 3 around the area and just chatted it up about how things have been. Libby took the past 6 days to drive across the country with his girl. She flew out this morning. Having him here should definitly help my situation out here, even if he is a crappy runner, just kidding. I took him with me today to USC while I had class, he did his own thing for a while then we got lunch, then there was one more class then back to the house. Took a little nap then went back to work running down at the Woodchip trail. Then we came back here and made out first dinner as Cali roommates, which was chicken, veggies and rice. Im pretty sure we will be seeing more of that as time goes on.

10.5 miles today

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monday Bloody Monday

Mon. Oct. 8, 2007

Ocean Ave and San Vicente

Santa Monica, CA

So I have had some stomach issues these past few weeks. As most runners have had in the past, I have been having problems while running where I need to stop and take a heaping dump. The problem however, does not stop there. Once I start it has a tendency to keep going. So lately I have been trying to figure out a game plan for tackling this issue. I know I eat pretty good, but its more of an issue of when I eat, timing is everything. So I have to try new methods to my eating habits to ensure this crap ends, literally. People at Maine have seen some of the issues that I have had, they are ridiculous, and for all the peeps who were with me that magical day on Magnolia rd. in Boulder, they now know sleeves are great to have on a run.

Woke up at 6am to eat a bowl of cereal, I have been trying not to eat cereal cause of the sugar content, but at 6am i really don't care too much. After eating that I go back to bed for a another hour or so then wake up and go for a 3 mile run. Stretched a little and did some abs and pushups, then went and had a 5 egg white omelette with broccoli and an ALIVE meal supplement. Then went to work for 5 1/2 hrs.

At 5 pm I had practice, now this is where I have had my problems with the stomach. Not before practice, but right around 3 miles in. So today I was hoping there were going to be no problems, and thank the Lord, there were none. I just have to be cautious of what I through in the old garbage disposal before I run. Mondays are usually a steady paced run with a tempo either in the middle 2.1 miles or the final 2 miles of the 6.75 mile run. Today it was at the end. So we started off easy, then gradually picked it up to a nice steady pace of around 5:55 or so and then ran the last 2 miles, which are slightly down hill, in about 10:15. Didn't feel that great when we first started the tempo pace, but eventually I got into a good grove.

We follow our Monday runs with a Brazilian Grass Circuit, which is some drills and then team stretching. Having the team around tends to make me much happier, so the more time I can spend with them, the better.
10+ miles today

Long Beach long run

Sun. Oct. 7, 2007

So after having a rough Saturday, there is nothing like waking up at 6am so you can eat something for breakfast before you go for your long run at 8am. I met up with Damian and Matt down in Long Beach for what I thought was gonna be a 13 miler at least with Matt and myself. However, Matt's legs were tired, apparantly finishing a XC race makes you more tired. So he only ran 25 minutes out and then turned around. Damian being an 800 guy, couldn't hang with us for more than a mile or so, but he put in a valiant effort.
The run was on the beach down there, it was kinda cool; because of the water break out in the ocean, there were no waves and the sand was pretty flat and hard, so it made for pretty good running, but there was the occasional deep sand pocket which always keeps you guessing. Ran out about 30 min on the beach then ran around some grassy area next to the Queen Mary, big ship. Then after a while turned and went back to the start. Good run, figured at least 13 miles. Brought some melon with me, so I was pretty pumped to have that once I was finished. Then Damian and I proceeded to dominate this cafe in town. I had a big bowl of oatmeal with banana, raisins, cinnamon, brown sugar and maple syrup, three eggs and then 3 big buttermilk pancakes with whipped cream banana butter and syrup.....DELICIOUS.
Then I topped the day off by going to work.

13 miles today

Monday, October 8, 2007

Vanguard Invitational

Sat. Oct. 6, 2007

Woke up at 5:15am, which was not as sweet as it sounds, to eat my 4 egg omlett with boccoli and chicken and toast with honey and a banana. The race today is in Costa Mesa, which is like 45min-hour south of Redondo.
Got down there like 75 min before the race, and just hung out. Looked at the course, and was not that impressed. It was primarily in a desert, but apparantly Native Americans used to live here, so that was nice to know. It was an 8k that made a bunch of loops throughout this area, with one STEEP 70ish meter hill that we had to run twice. Well I am going to start off by saying that I quit the race after mile 3. It sucks starting a race when you do not want to be there and have been having a really hard couple of weeks prior to the race. Anyways, we started at 9 am and went through the mile in 4:58, which was very comfortable. The race was pretty much a pack of 5 of us, 3 of us from VS. We went through 2 miles in about 9:50, so about 4:52 second mile. I felt very comfortable but just was having bad thoughts and didn't want to be running anymore. We went through 3 miles in a little over 15 minutes, we had hit that hill in this mile, and it was a SLOW hill. So then I proceeded to quit, but Ozzie on my team go 2nd, losing in a kick at the end, which says something about the other runner, cause Ozzie has a GOOD finish. They were both around 24:50 for the 8k. Then Matt on out team was at 25:30.
I had a long talk with my team and coach and let them know the feelings and thoughts that I have been having lately, and although there is never an excuse for not finishing, I used it. I think after talking to my team, things will get better for me out here. Then we concluded with a big meal at IHOP....we dominated that Pancake house.

8 miles today

Pre Race Day

Fri. Oct. 5, 2007

There is nothing like not wanting to race the day before a meet......
So I went for a 3 mile run in the morning, did my thing throughout the day, which at this point is now working at Road Runner Sports. Not a bad gig if you ask me. Then came back from work and absolutely stuffed my face with food, and then went for an easy 5 mile run on the Redondo Beach woodchip trail, which I pretty much incorporate into all my runs around here.
Went to bed at like 11:30 pm, a little later than normal, especially knowing that I had to wake up at 5:15am to eat breakfast.
Hopefully having Eric Libby, who was my Maine roommate, move out here and run for my team will help me out.

8 miles run today

Thursday, October 4, 2007

East Coast meets West Coast

Whats up everyone...If you don't already know, Jeff Caron has one of these bad boys up already, but him and I are very competetive against one another, so this Blog will be better than his. Just dropping a little insight into my training thus far this year. I graduated from The University of Maine last year and I moved out to California to run with VS Athletics which are based in Santa Monica, CA. When I first came out here this summer, everything was as awesome as I thought it would be; the weather, the races, the coach. The coach, Skip Stolley, has been a great addition to my running life. He is very supportive and knows his way around a track, obviously not very hard, but you should understand what I mean. He is a great coach and has great knowledge and connections.
After my 7 weeks were up this summer, I took like 2 weeks off and then just did some long runs everyday. I also went to Europe with my friend from home Matt Ellis, I will put a picture up of him, for 3.5 weeks. We had a great time, and I had some great runs while I was over there.
I came back to California Sept. 2, and was enrolled at USC to finish my Masters in Exercise Physiology, only 2 classes to go. It has started off on a rocky start, very tough class with a ton of reading. Now back to the running aspect. When I first got back out here, everything was going great, I was back with my team, running, doing workouts and everything seemed to be rolling along. About 3 weeks into my time out here I began having doubts. Obviously I have to make the transition from college to the real world, but there is something about this place that is not sitting well with me. There is always a ton of traffic wherever you go, EVERYWHERE, the people have no personalities and suck in general, and my team isn't everything I thought it was gonna be. I constantly find myself training alone and not enjoying myself. I am supposed to have a training partner, but I never see him. About 6 days a week now I train alone in a place that I don't necessarily like anymore. There are really no trails around here besides up in the Santa Monica mts. which can take me up to an hour to get to cause of the traffic. So day in and day out I run the same trails down here in Redondo Beach, CA, where I live with my cousin, who is 32 and pretty much the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. He is awesome, he is pretty much an older, taller version of me. He used to be a runner in HS in Montgomery, NY, he is 6'7" and ran 4:30 in the mile in HS; not bad for 6'7".
So lately I have been talking to friends back home, who I miss dearly, and asking their advice. Those good friends are Jeff"JC Experience"Caron, Eric"gonna be living in my room with me for a few weeks"Libby, Ken"K Sav"Savary, old HS coach who I talk to about everything and am the Godfather to his daughter, and Mark"M Daddy"Lech, who was my college coach AKA"MANBEARPIG". They have been helping me out to decide what I want to do once Dec. rolls around, stay here or go home and run with the Westchester Track Club.
So pretty much I have been having a rough time dealing with my situation out here, and my running has also been affected by my struggles. For the past 2 weeks I have been having some stomach issues and have been having a hard time running and working out. Hopefully I can figure out how to manage it. I appreciate everyone who has been helping me lately, and all the other people who I try to talk to and never call me back or answer, thanks alot "FRIENDS" cause what goes around comes around. That did sound pretty angry huh, well thats the way it is supposed to sound, just cause I am outta sight doesn't mean you should forget who your friends are.
Anyways, since this is the first blog, this will be the longest, just as an introduction my situation. Also, I am trying to eat differently to test out the effects of cutting artificial sugars from my diet. When I do it I feel great, and when I eat artificial sugars, I feel terrible; its quite amazing.
So check back in another time to see how things are going. Also, not gonna lie, I couldn't be doing what I am doing without the help of my family, thank you for all the support, I love you guys. NIBBS HIGH FOOTBALL RULES!