Thursday, November 8, 2007

USC day

Wed. Nov. 7, 2007

7:30am - 3 miles with Libby
3:30pm - 2 mile warmup, 5x800 w/ 2min recovery, 3 mile cooldown

Today Skip wasn't able to meet with me in the afternoon, so he told me to get onto the USC track before my lab tonight and do 5x800 between 2:24-2:28 w/ 2 min recov. Libby also decided that he would rather work out with me today then with the team, so we piled into the C-dub, or Camry, and headed to USC. We warmed up around the school, cause that time of day would be terrible to run throughout campus. Got back, did our drills and strides and took off. We started together, but the pace was not something that Libby was used to, so after the first one he backed off and did his own thing. My reps went ( 2:26, 2:21, 2:18, 2:18, 2:15 ). It was a little faster than I was supposed to be doing these reps, but they felts comfortable, so I just rolled with them. Libby averaged right about 2:31. After, we cooled down and stretched quickly because I was gonna be lab for lab, which was the next building over.

Lab today was working with thermoregulation. So roughly how the body heats up during exercise. It was kinda cool, and pretty funny. The Lab TA had 3 volunteers, I was not one of them for a reason. They were to perform 30 min of exercise on a bike at a speed of their choice, with others checking their temp, BP and perceived effort of exertion. But the funny part about it was these three volunteers had to do the lab with a rectal thermomter up their bums for the test. This is why it was VOLUNTARY. I chose to sit this one out. Good lab though.

Libby hung around USC and we ate dinner afterwards at Whole Foods.

10.5 miles today

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