Sunday, December 16, 2007

Saturday hills

Sat. Dec. 15, 2007

1pm - 2 mile warm-up, 4 x (480 meter hill, 320 meter hill), 3 mile cool down
6pm - 3 mile shake out

Eric and I drove around Palos Verdes trying to find some good hills, cause this place is ridiculously hilly. We found this slingshot shaped housing area, where both streets dead-ended. One of the hills was 480 meters and ridiculously steep and the other was 320 meters and pretty steep. So we would run up one the come down, then run up the other and that was one set. I will be pretty honest, this hill workout was BRUTAL on the legs. My quads felt wrecked. You truthfully could not go really hard up the hills, or you would die....I think literally your heart would explode, but don't know. Afterwards we sat down for like 12 minutes and just sat and laughed at how crappy that hill was. Then we cooled down, then went and ate some breakfast at 4pm.

Later on my cousin was having a Christmas party at our house, so we helped make some food, got a couple of beers and enjoyed the festivities. Steph McCusker came down and hung out with us which was awesome, cause I love hanging out with her. There were like 30 people there, and 5 of us just hung out by the food and kitchen by ourselves being the cool kids, cause we didn't want to interact.

10 miles today

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