Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Sun. Dec. 2, 2007

TODAY WAS A GREEEEEEEEEEEAT DAY!!! OK, so here's what the deal was. We purchased 2 sets of NCAA b-ball tickets, the first game was 22nd ranked USC vs. 4th ranked KANSAS, the second games was 1st ranked UCLA vs. 8th ranked TEXAS. AWESOME!! so we started the morning off with breakfast at a diner, then headed to USC to make sure we got there on time. The start of the USC game was very slow and sloppy, it really felt like we were watching a HS game, and not a NCAA game. OJ MAYO is the biggest ball hog EVER, he is good but a huge ball hog. We were cheering for Kansas and at the end the Jay Hawks pulled it out. The we had 4 hrs to kill before our next game at UCLA, so we drove over in search of food. We stopped at BJ's pizza a brew in Westwood and had a large deep dish BBQ pizza and a couple handfuls of beer. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and we were pretty much wasted off of 3 beers each, it was a good sign of how much we have drank throughout the year, NOTHING. Well time then went by a lot quicker and then we found ourselves at the Paulie Pavilion watching some kick-ass ball. This was by far the best basketball game that I have ever seen. There was non-stop action from the very start of the game. It was back and forth 3's and dunks and hard plays. The entire second half was pretty much basket for basket until it came down to the wire. 10 seconds left B.J. Augustine came down the court with it for Texas took a shot and off the rim it went; but out of nowhere this big Texas dude SLAMMED it home. It was an awesome dunk to pretty much seal the game up. UCLA had one more chance, but they missed and it was a huge upset. If anyone gets a chance to see a UCLA game, it was awesome, the crowd cheered the entire game, and it was the best atmosphere.

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