Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still up at Maine...but with a twist

So today my coach at Maine called me and told me that I will be helping escort the Maine team to a meet out at Cal State Northridge next week. SWEEEEEEET! So this weekend we go down to Boston for ECAC's and IC4A's and then we fly out on Monday and come back on Sunday from Cali. Not a bad deal. I may even get a race in out of this whole deal, but we'll see.

So for the past couple weeks my training has been struggling quite a bit. I believe that it is still due to the flu that I had about 2 weeks ago. I could not tell you the last time that I had the flu and I really don't know how long it takes my body to get over it completely. I took 5 days off from everything because I could barely even function with the flu. Then I slowly got back into running the next week maybe getting like 45-50 miles. I think I should have waited a few extra days, but what runner waits the whole time...ridiculous. So now I have just been playing catch-up with my body and it has been tough some days. Even normal everyday runs are sometimes difficult and workouts are quite rough as well. To add to the whole illness and lack of recovering, I believe there could be another small tear in my left meniscus. Same pain that I have had a number of times in the past and in the exact same spot....But I am just saying screw it and I am gonna soldier on cause there is either goin to the doctor and chance of surgery or run through/lift alot and hopefully it recovers on its own. I did the 2nd option my 5th year and it worked in the other knee, so lets see how it works. Since I have been soldiering on, I am back to my normal mileage and trying to get back to full workouts again. I think I am roughly back to 70-80 miles a week...roughly

Last Saturday I ran with Jeff a couple of times...1 hour on Friday and then a workout on Saturday morning...which sucked (if you didn't read the previous paragraph). We did 6 x 4min on 1 min off. My body just did not feel that great. No runner always feels great, so I just suck it up and am thankful I am still running. Jeff and I always have great convo's about running and normal life crap and how we are sick of it all and want to end it...just kidding about the normal convo's.

What I know is that I am getting excited for outdoor track and have some good thoughts about what I am gonna do.

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