Monday, February 23, 2009

A New Hope

Thought I would start the blog with a Star Wars title. Things have been moving right along up here in Orono, but soon it will be over. Only about 3 more weeks up here in the Atlantic Northeast and then its back to NY to plan what my move will be. Training has been pretty consistent up here for the past few months. Mileage has been roughly between 65-85 miles a week with 2-3 workouts a week. I have only had a few minor hiccups in the mix; one was the flu last week which caused me to take 5 days off from running because I could barely function. I am back to the grind now though, but I am taking these first few days fairly easy just so I don't get sick again within the first 2 weeks.

- Weather up here sucks...I have know that for a few years
- -30 degrees = Frost burn (see picture)

- Running alone is annoying and makes me want to train with people every step I am running.
- Flu sucks
- I appreciate my friends more...except Lansing...actually Lansing too
- When you have nothing to do in the Northeast its normal to play ton of Halo.

That's most of the things i think about whilst I do nothing.

I have 2 more meets with the Maine team and then I am out of here, even though I do really like working with them, I have to do my thing and if I plan on continuing my running, need to get on with it and get serious. Not that what I have been doing isn't serious but I want to make my plan for the next couple of years and need to make sure my coach is going to be on the same page as me, if not, we shall see what happens.

Also, a very sad note. Just got a heads up today that my former teammate Carly, who survived brain cancer her Sophomore year here at Maine, has had the cancer return and her health has taken a serious turn. So if people could keep her in their prayers, this girl is awesome and it sucks to see this happen, so lots of prayers.

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