Friday, November 7, 2008

Total Recall.....Alas this will not have Arnold

I will attempt to recall all the things that have occured in the past 3 months in the shortest time possible. 1st, I continued to run for 3 weeks after the Beach to Beacon, ran the 5 mile Club Road Race Championships at Central Park...26:20. Pretty sweet time for not really training and running at like 8am, but I did end up with about 12 NASTY blisters on both feet that were there for literally a month. I'm pretty sure in the month of August I picked up a slight drinking problem, but countered that with a large eating and running problem. I wasn't taking anything too seriously in August because on Sept. 3rd I was having my Deviated Septum fixed. 2nd issue: I had my septum fixed from the time I broke it in 2nd grade. I will be pretty dam honest and say that this procedure SUCKED. I will also say that the doctor who did it was one of the best in New York and he said that within his 30 year career with this, I was the 2nd person to have the complications that I had. 3rd Issue: Because of how badly deviated my septum was, it caused a blood clot to form at the top of my septum. This caused more bleeding, longer recovery time and numerous/extremely painful visits to the doctor's office. Hopefully I can get one or two of my pictures up. Pretty much I had thick long Gauze pads shoved up towards my brain at all times and when I went to get the blood clot taken out, he had to inject my Septum with novacaine like 6 times, then sliced open the septum then sucked out the blood clot.....NOT COMFORTABLE. Now it is November 7th, and I have to go back next week with the high chance that he is going to have to remove scar tissue...pretty excited about that.

Next topic: Orono. So I am back in the ridiculously large and underpopulated state of Maine to finish the last part of my Masters. All I have to do left is finish a small internship with the Maine XC and Track team. As of right now I have not done too much because there are already 2 coaches and there is only so much you can do in XC. It is definitely weird being back up here. Everything is as I remember: Quiet, slow and wooded. I won't lie, the first couple weeks up here were pretty cool because I was just running and exploring again and it was pretty sweet, but that gets old quick when you really don't have anyone to do this with. I more or less just hangout all day, get my run in and then don't hang out with anyone. I do talk to one or two people on the team on a frequent basis but the age difference is very apparant and those peeps are doing their own thing, which is cool, but sucks for me. Whatever. I will finish my hours and then figure out what I am doing. (This is the typical Mainer by the way)

Next topic: Running. So all I have been doing for the past 2 months is running, no workouts. It has taken me a while to feel comfortable with my running that I am gonna start attempting to do workouts this week and from here on out. I also am going to get a nice little blood test to see where my iron levels are, because I have not been feeling that good for the past few weeks and I have had issues with Iron in the past. One plus is that I get to run with Adam Goode on frequent occasions. The only down side is that it is usually at 6:30 in the AM. Goode on the plus note was just elected to the Maine Legislature this past weekend. Now if you don't believe the strength of Flannel and a beard, that is all the kid wore when he campaigned and waited at the polls. Its amazing. He is one of the positives of being up here, getting to run with him has been fun.

So I have been running between 50-80 miles a week for the past 5 weeks and plan on being consistent around 80-85 for the next few weeks.

Oh yeah, plus I have not really been making money since I have been here...subbing is on the block but have not been called to frequently. I am gonna be heading back to NYC for 2 weeks to do some working and then come back up. That will be pretty sweet cause I can run with my old teammates back in NY and they can kick my ass into shape.

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