Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Fill in - 3 months later

It has been a while since I last updated the blog, so I thought I would give it a whirl. I was most disappointed with this whole year of training/racing/everything else related to running. I really did not have one good performance throughout the year and from what I can see looking back, my training was never really leading up to anything and the intensity was just not there. When I look back on the workouts that I thought were good or did something, really were not specific to the event I was running and did not have an end goal. Any workout you run can make you feel tired or get you thinking that you worked hard, but this past year was just a joke...truthfully a joke as far as my training toward goals went. That being said, I have decided to change things around these upcoming years as far as training and everything that coincides with it. My fellow Westchester Track teammate John Byrne felt the same way about his training for the past 2 years so we decided to do something about it and work together. We will now be our own training duo. Every morning we will be meeting in Sleepy Hollow at 7am to do our runs and workouts. I have never really been that much of a morning person, but it will be a great benefit getting things done early and consistently.

This upcoming Fall I plan on doing a lot of strength related workouts but not getting too far away from the speed aspect. Long slow runs, make long slow runners. Very good quote from Tim Kaijala. They also say that the things you hate doing the most are the things you should do the most of. So there will be alot of tempos, long hill workouts and pretty much painful long workouts. I suck at the longer stuff, so it is time to work on it. Another great quote came from my friend Jon when we were out one night. He said, "S*** or get off the pot". Coming from him that did make a big impact on me. So I will really try to step it up this year with everything I am doing.

For the past month and a half I have been building back up to the higher mileage and just started workouts about 2 weeks ago. We have started out conservative, and plan on building up over the Fall to pretty solid workouts. I am creating the workouts for both of us and plan on tracking them from the physiology point of view, with heart rate monitoring and other good stuff. It will be interesting to actually be keeping track of alot of different variables in training. So I will update more consistently from now on.

I will also update from what I did over the past few weeks:

- Gabe Rivards Bachelor party
- Gabe Rivards wedding
- Beach to Beacon and Jeff's Jeffapolooza and then went to Jackman, ME

- Yonkers trip to Ocean City

- I now coach at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY
- I built my own Cornhole set...pretty dam sweet
- had a Homebrew BBQ at my place which turned out to be awesome